what to do before you go to spain

Moving to a different land can exist stressful. Fortunately , for those of the states who are thinking near making such a move, many people have already done it .

Beneath are five Things You Need To Exercise Before Moving To Spain

1. Passports

Please make sure your passports are electric current and won't be expired by the time of your flight. We bought our plane tickets 4 months in advance. A month later we noticed our children's passports were expired. Yikes! We had to rush to get their passports renewed. Avoid this stress by ensuring the passports are renewed or electric current at the fourth dimension of divergence.

Give Yourself Time

If you don't have a passport and are applying for one, please note this can take up to 8 weeks. Of grade, you can expedite the process , but at a premium. Requite yourself adequate time. Hither is a helpful link regarding the issuing and renewal of U.S. Passports: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports.html/

5 things to do

2. Employ For A Visa

Every land has its own set of rules and classifications when applying for a visa. First , y'all must sympathise what type of visa you are applying for. For example, when moving to Espana i can apply for a pupil visa, a non-lucrative visa, or a work visa. Hither is a link to the Castilian Consulate in Washington DC that we used and their requirements for each type of Visa .

http://world wide web.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/WASHINGTON/en/Consulado/Pages/Visas.aspx

Become All Your Documents

To apply for a visa, you will need to show vital records for each family unit member who is traveling , such as a birth certificate & marriage license. Every bit a reminder, in order to go all the pertinent documentation ready for approval by the consulate , y'all will need at to the lowest degree ii months to compile thek. Please note, copies of birth certificates and spousal relationship licenses can accept up to vi weeks for delivery. For the quickest way to receive a copy of a birth certificate or marriage license we propose using Vital check

Some other records that may exist required are police records, health records and financial documents. Nigh embassies also require all or some of your documents to exist translated by a certified translator. We used Universal Translation Services . They offer 24/7 support , and they are very quick with their response time.

moving to Spain

three. Fi nd a temporary residence /outset your home search

We knew goose egg about Barcelona northward or annihilation about its different neighborhoods . Fourth dimension was needed to explore the city, connect with local real estate agencies and meet which expanse was best suited for our family.

We used a company called Spotahome to rent a temporary apartment . This is a smashing website for finding short and long-term rentals in the Barcelona area . Once you lot have booked your temporary residency , you can now go out and explore the neighborhoods.

A Few Things To Consider

When we were in the States , we had a difficult time finding local real estate companies . Now that we are here and moved in, nosotros found ii well-known companies that offer English speaking realtors who can assistance you lot. They are Lucas Fob & Engel Volkers . Their agents are knowledgeable and very cordial.

Actress tip: In Spain , most landlords require 2 months in advance plus an agency fee to be paid before you receive the keys to your apartment. Be prepared to pay a bit of coin upfront in order to secure an apartment. Also, August is not the best fourth dimension to find an apartment equally near of the country is away on their "mandatory" vacation. Pickings are slim , especially with the many students that are likewise looking for a place for the upcoming semester. Mid to late September is probabl y a better fourth dimension to outset your home search.

iv. Connect with a Relocation Expert

When moving to Barcelona, you lot will need a R esidenc e C ard, a National I dentification N umber, have your fingerprints taken at the local police station, annals utilities in your proper noun, and open a bank account. Now exhale. It'southward ok. T here are relocation experts that can help you with all this. They volition even stand up on line for y'all and talk to the local government officials . All y'all must do is show up with your passport and documents , and they will accept care of the rest.

relocation expertAsk a lot of questions

Each relocation expert offers unlike service packet s . We used a visitor called Only Landed BCN . They were extremely helpful even earlier nosotros agreed to apply their services. They gave us many useful tips and told us what to wait. Upon our inflow , we met with them and mapped our family'south requirements and they were very accommodating to our needs. Our transition would have been a lot more than difficult if not for their services.

For more than about our first few days in Barcelona, check out our blog postal service!

Bonus tip: You will demand to open up a bank account and will most likely demand to transfer your money from America or any country you are from to a Castilian banking company. The Spanish banks charge a hefty transfer fee. We constitute a visitor called TransferWise , that volition transfer your money at a adept commutation rate, for a small-scale fee and a quick turn-around (inside hours) .

5 Things You Need To Do Before Moving To Spain

5. Shed

Yeah, be prepared to let get of a lot of things. The European lifestyle is not the American lifestyle. We had to get rid of a lot of personal items because life is just simpler, and space is tighter. Things y'all thought you would need seem superfluous now. After nosotros sold our home, we looked into aircraft our furniture overseas and the price only wasn't viable for us. We decided then to sell and donate near of our property .

Do You Really Need All That Stuff?

We kept a small portion that is being stored away until a farther date. Looking back now , nosotros probably didn't even need about of what we did store. You realize y'all can manage with just the basics. Necessities I would advise bringing ( if you do a lot of cooking) are your kitchen items, minus the electrical appliances.

In Summary

The 5 Things You Need To Exercise Before Moving To Spain

  • Make sure passports are current
  • Apply for a visa
  • Observe a temporary residence to give yourself time to observe a long term solution – August is not the best time
  • Connect with a relocation expert
  • Allow get of some stuff

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Source: https://www.apincholife.com/5-things-you-need-to-do-before-moving-to-spain/

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