what did red skull say to black widow

Red Skull (2018).png

A collection of quotes of the World War Two-era HYDRA leader, Johann Schmidt, the Red Skull.


  • 1 Movies
    • 1.1 Captain America: The Starting time Avenger
      • ane.ane.ane Spoken by Johann Schmidt
      • 1.1.2 Spoken about Johann Schmidt
      • i.1.iii Dialogue
    • 1.2 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
      • ane.2.1 Spoken about Johann Schmidt
    • 1.iii Avengers: Infinity State of war
      • 1.iii.one Dialogue
    • one.4 Avengers: Endgame
      • 1.4.1 Spoken about Red Skull
      • ane.4.two Dialogue
  • two Agents of South.H.I.Eastward.50.D.
    • 2.ane Episode 1.20: Nothing Personal
      • ii.1.ane Spoken about Johann Schmidt
    • two.2 Episode two.01: Shadows
      • 2.ii.1 Spoken about Johann Schmidt
    • 2.3 Episode 2.05: A Hen in the Wolf House
      • 2.three.i Spoken almost Johann Schmidt
    • 2.iv Episode 2.06: A Fractured House
      • ii.4.1 Spoken about Johann Schmidt
    • 2.5 Episode 2.08: The Things Nosotros Bury
      • two.5.i Spoken about Johann Schmidt
    • 2.6 Episode 2.11: Aftershocks
      • 2.half dozen.i Spoken about Johann Schmidt
    • 2.7 Episode 4.04: Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire
      • 2.seven.ane Spoken most Johann Schmidt
  • 3 Agent Carter
    • 3.1 Episode 1.01: Now is not the End
      • iii.1.1 Spoken about Johann Schmidt


Captain America: The Offset Avenger

Spoken past Johann Schmidt

"The Tesseract was the jewel of Odin's treasure room. It's non something one buries. Simply I think it is close, aye?"
―Johann Schmidt[src]
"Nifty power has always baffled archaic men. HYDRA is assembling an arsenal to destroy my enemies in ane stroke, wherever they are, regardless of how many forces they possess, all in a thing of hours."
―Johann Schmidt[src]
"My weapons contain plenty destructive power to decimate every hostile upper-case letter on World. Quite simply, gentlemen, I have harnessed the power of the gods."
―Johann Schmidt[src]
"You are failing! Nosotros are close to an offensive that will shake the planet, yet nosotros are continually delayed because you cannot outwit a simpleton with a shield!"
―Red Skull[src]

Spoken about Johann Schmidt

"At present Schmidt is a member of the inner circle and he is ambitious. He and Hitler share a passion for occult power and Teutonic myth. Hitler uses his fantasies to inspire his followers, but for Schmidt, it is not fantasy. For him, it is real."
―Abraham Erskine to Steve Rogers[src]
"He thinks that he is a god and he is willing to blow up half the world to prove information technology."
―Chester Phillips[src]


"The Tesseract was the jewel of Odin's treasure room. Information technology's non something one buries. Only I call back it is close, yeah?"
"I cannot aid you lot."
"No. But perhaps you can aid your village. You must have some friends out there. Some... some little grandchildren maybe. I have no need for them to die."
―Johann Schmidt and Church Keeper[src]
"I have not come all this way for safe, Doctor."
"What was that?"
"I must congratulate y'all, Arnim, your designs does not disappoint, though they may crave some slight reinforcement."
"Nothing has changed, it'southward stable. Amazing."
―Johann Schmidt and Arnim Zola[src]
"While Hitler speaks of a chiliad-year Reich, but he cannot feed his ground forces for the month. His troops spill their claret across every field in Europe. But he is still no closer to achieving his goals."
―Johann Schmidt to Roeder[src]
"And I suppose you still aim to win this state of war through magic?"
"Science. But I understand your confusion. Cracking power has e'er baffled archaic men."
―Roeder and Red Skull[src]
"You lot are deluded, Helm. You lot pretend to exist a simple soldier simply, in reality, yous are simply afraid to admit that we have left humanity behind. Unlike yous, I comprehend information technology proudly. Without fright!"
―Red Skull to Captain America[src]
"Tomorrow, HYDRA volition stand up as master of the world, borne to victory on the wings of the Valkyrie. Our enemies' weapons volition be powerless confronting united states of america. If they shoot downward one plane, hundreds more than will rain fire upon them! If they cut off ane head, two more shall have its identify."
―Red Skull to HYDRA[src]
"Arrogance may non be a uniquely American trait, but I must say, you lot do it ameliorate than anyone. But in that location are limits to what even you tin practice, Helm, or did Erskine tell you otherwise?"
"He told me you were insane."
―Red Skull and Captain America[src]
"You lot could have the power of the gods! Yet you lot habiliment a flag on your breast and recollect you fight a battle of nations! I accept seen the future Captain! There are no flags!"
"Not in my futurity!"
―Red Skull and Captain America[src]

Helm America: The Wintertime Soldier

Spoken about Johann Schmidt

Avengers: Infinity War


"Welcome, Thanos, son of A'Lars. Gamora, girl of Thanos."
"You know united states?"
"It is my curse to know all who journeying here."
"Where is the Soul Stone?"
"You should know, it extracts a terrible price."
"I am prepared."
"Nosotros all think that at showtime. We are all wrong."
―Ruddy Skull and Thanos[src]
"What you seek lies in forepart of yous. Equally does what you lot fear."
"What'southward this?"
"The price. Soul holds a special place among the Infinity Stones. Yous might say, it is a certain wisdom."
"Tell me what information technology needs."
"To ensure that whoever possesses information technology, understands its ability. The stone demands a sacrifice."
"Of what?"
"In order to take the stone, you must lose that which y'all beloved. A soul for a soul."
―Scarlet Skull, Gamora and Thanos[src]
"All my life I dreamed of a day, a moment, when you lot got what you deserved. And I was always and so disappointed. But now, yous kill and torture and you phone call it mercy. The universe has judged you. Yous asked information technology for a price and it told you lot no. Y'all failed. And do you wanna know why? Because you love nothing. No one. Really, tears?"
"They are not for him."
"No. This isn't honey."
"I ignored my destiny in one case, I cannot do that once more. Even for you lot. I'm lamentable, Lilliputian one."
―Gamora, Red Skull and Thanos[src]

Avengers: Endgame

Spoken about Red Skull

"It can't be undone. Or that's at to the lowest degree what the red floating guy had to say. Maybe y'all wanna get talk to him, okay? Get catch your hammer, and you lot get fly and talk to him"
―Hawkeye to Thor[src]


"Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Rock."
"Oh, good. You tell united states where information technology is. Then we'll be on our way."
"Ah, liebchen. If only information technology were that like shooting fish in a barrel."
―Red Skull and Black Widow[src]
"What you seek lies in front of you, as does what y'all fear."
"The stone is down there."
"For one of you. For the other... In order to have the stone, yous must lose that which you dear. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul."
―Cherry-red Skull and Black Widow[src]

Agents of Southward.H.I.E.50.D.

Episode ane.20: Zero Personal

Spoken about Johann Schmidt

"The Red Skull, founder of HYDRA, was a big, fat, freaking Nazi."
"That has nothing to practise with today."
"You lot know, you ever had that Hitler Youth look to y'all. So it's really not that surprising."
―Skye and Grant Ward[src]

Episode 2.01: Shadows

Spoken near Johann Schmidt

"Herr Reinhardt, I-I fearfulness Schmidt-"
"Oh, there's no reason left to fearfulness the Red Skull."
"He's dead."
"However, his vision is not. The piece of work HYDRA has done volition live on."
―HYDRA Officer to Werner Reinhardt[src]

Episode 2.05: A Hen in the Wolf Business firm

Spoken about Johann Schmidt

Episode ii.06: A Fractured Business firm

Spoken about Johann Schmidt

Episode 2.08: The Things Nosotros Coffin

Spoken about Johann Schmidt

Episode 2.11: Aftershocks

Spoken about Johann Schmidt

Episode 4.04: Let Me Stand Adjacent to Your Fire

Spoken almost Johann Schmidt

Agent Carter

Episode ane.01: Now is non the End

Spoken about Johann Schmidt

"You lot want a mission that matters? This is it. My technology in the hands of some nut that wants to be the next Red Skull? You lot have no idea how bad that could be."
―Howard Stark to Peggy Carter[src]


Source: https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Skull/Quote

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