Review in Neuroscience Nature Reviews Neuroscience Impact Factor

Publisher of bookish journals

Annual Reviews
Annual Reviews logo.png

The Logo of Almanac Reviews

Founded 1931 (1931)
Founder J. Murray Luck
Country of origin The states
Headquarters location 1875 S Grant St., Suite 700, San Mateo, California[one]
Key people Richard B. Gallagher, president and editor-in-chief; Karen S. Cook, board chair; Sandra Faber, board vice-chair.[ii]
Publication types Academic journals, online magazine
Nonfiction topics Life, biomedical, physical, and social sciences
Official website

Annual Reviews is an independent, not-profit bookish publishing company based in San Mateo, California. Every bit of 2021, it publishes 51 journals of review articles and Knowable Mag, roofing the fields of life, biomedical, concrete, and social sciences.[iii] Review articles are commonly "peer-invited" solicited submissions, often planned one to 2 years in advance, which get through a peer-review process.[4] The organizational structure has three levels: a volunteer board of directors, editorial committees of experts for each periodical, and paid employees.[v]

Annual Reviews' stated mission is to synthesize and integrate knowledge "for the progress of scientific discipline and the do good of society".[6] [seven] The kickoff Annual Reviews journal, the Annual Review of Biochemistry, was published in 1932 nether the editorship of Stanford University chemist J. Murray Luck, who wanted to create a resources that provided critical reviews on contemporary research. The second journal was added in 1939. Past 1982, Annual Reviews published 24 titles, and past 2021 it published 51. In 2016, the company piloted the "Subscribe to Open" (S2O) publishing model, under which a journal's newest volume is published open access as long as subscription support is sufficient. As of 2022, all 51 journals are beingness offered under the S2O model.

History [edit]

Annual Review of Biochemistry [edit]

The Annual Review of Biochemistry was the creation of Stanford Academy chemist and professor J. Murray Luck.[7] [8] In designing a course for graduate students in 1930, he saw the need for a resources that condensed the large volume of biochemistry enquiry into review manufactures. Luck asked about 50 biochemists in the US, United Kingdom, and Canada if an annual volume of disquisitional reviews on biochemistry research would be useful. Response was positive.[8] [9] [10]

Luck formed an initial advisory committee which included Carl 50. Alsberg at Stanford,[11] and Dennis Robert Hoagland[12] [13] and Carl Louis August Schmidt from the University of California, Berkeley.[14] [15] [16] [8] Stanford University Printing agreed to publish the journal on a three-year contract, with fiscal aid from the Chemical Foundation headed by Francis Garvan.[8] [ix] [17] Stanford Academy gave the journal rent-free part space in the Physiology building (Outer Quad) commencement in 1931.[x] [18] : half dozen The commencement volume of the Annual Review of Biochemistry was published as of May 3, 1932.[xix]

Legal identity [edit]

At the completion of the contract with Stanford Academy Press, the advisory commission of the periodical decided to presume a legal identity as the journal's publisher, though keeping Stanford University Printing every bit the printer. On Dec 12, 1934, they submitted articles of incorporation with the California Secretary of Land to create the Almanac Review of Biochemistry, Ltd., which was organized as a nonprofit.[18] : 3 In February 1938, the name was changed to Almanac Reviews, Inc.[9] On March 28, 2008, the California Secretary of State approved an amendment to the Manufactures of Incorporation to change the name officially to Annual Reviews.[20]

Leadership [edit]

J. Murray Luck worked for Almanac Reviews from 1932 to 1968 and was the founding editor of its first two journals: the Annual Review of Biochemistry (1932-1965) and the Almanac Review of Physiology (1939-1946).[21] Equally further journals were added, each 1 had its own editorial committee, whose lead editor took the title "Editor" or "Co-editor", and Luck assumed the part of editor-in-chief.[22] He retired from this position equally of 1969, but continued to serve on the board of directors as an emeritus fellow member, besides as on the editorial commission of the Annual Review of Biochemistry.[23]

Robert R. Schultz was the arrangement'southward official editor-in-chief from 1970 to 1972.[24] [25] William Kaufmann became editor-in-chief of the organization from 1973 to 1981,[26] [27] [28] : 35 followed by Alister Brass from 1981 to 1983.[29] [30] Kaufmann returned from 1983 to 1992. Robert Hall Haynes served as editor-in-chief of the organization from 1992[31] to 1995.[28] : 35 He was succeeded past Samuel Gubins, who held the positions of president and editor-in-chief from 1995 to 2015.[32] The current president and editor-in-primary, Richard B. Gallagher, succeeded Gubins in 2015.[33]

Expansion [edit]

Line chart showing the number of Annual Reviews journals over time

In 1938, Almanac Reviews and the American Physiological Social club agreed to interact to create a new journal. The first volume of the Annual Review of Physiology was published in 1939, with the help of Victor Eastward. Hall every bit assistant editor.[34] Although the original intent was to be international in scope, the beginning European editors were not included until 1948, following World War II.[35]

A third journal, the Annual Review of Microbiology, was created in 1947 under the editorship of Charles E. Clifton.[36] The increased book of press was not feasible for Stanford Academy Press, and so printing of the Annual Review of Physiology, the Annual Review of Microbiology and later volumes of the Annual Review of Biochemistry was contracted out to the George Banta Company of Menasha, Wisconsin.[eighteen]

The Annual Reviews journals were recommended to teachers and librarians as well every bit scientists.[37] In the 1950s, titles in medicine,[38] psychology,[39] plant physiology,[40] physical chemistry,[41] nuclear and particle science,[42] and entomology were added.[43] Stanford University began to have a serious space shortage, which resulted in Annual Reviews constructing a new office building in nearby Palo Alto, California in 1956. Later Santa Clara County used eminent domain to have the holding at 231 Grant Avenue, Annual Reviews moved again in 1968, to 4139 El Camino Way, Palo Alto.[44] [18]

By 1982, 24 titles were being published by Annual Reviews.[nine] After becoming editor-in-chief in 1995, Samuel Gubins oversaw both a farther expansion of periodical titles and the first electronic publishing of Annual Reviews journals. The Annual Review of Sociology and the Annual Review of Medicine were the beginning to be published electronically, in 1996.[45] In 2002, the publisher'south entire publication history, covering seventy years and approximately 475,000 pages and 5,400 images, was digitized.[46] [47] The thirtieth journal championship was published in 2000. Another 22 titles were added between 2005 and 2019. Equally of 2021, Almanac Reviews has published 52 journals under 64 title variants. Just one, the Annual Review of Computer Scientific discipline, is no longer in publication.[48]

Almanac Reviews has besides released some specialty publications: The Excitement and Fascination of Science (1965, 1978, 1990, 1995), consisting of four volumes of autobiographies and reflections by prominent scientists,[49] and Intelligence and Affectivity (1981), a translated volume of lectures given by psychologist Jean Piaget in the 1950s.[50]

In 2017, Almanac Reviews appear its outset online magazine, Knowable Mag, with support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. With Knowable Magazine, Annual Reviews expanded from scholarly publishing into science journalism and science advice, explaining and emphasizing the existent-world significance of scholarly work.[51]

In 2021, Almanac Reviews moved its physical office to 1875 Due south Grant St., Suite 700, San Mateo, California, as the organizations's staff increasingly worked from dwelling house.[1]

Journal format and metrics [edit]

Each journal publishes one volume per yr. As of 2021, all 51 of the current journals are published online,[3] including 21 exclusively online, with 30 journals additionally published in print.[52]

As of 2021, researchers at McGill and Stanford University examined the affect of review manufactures using a corpus of 6,495 private review papers published in 54 by and current Almanac Reviews journal titles in the biological, physical, and social sciences. The authors noted that Annual Review articles oftentimes focus on emerging fields that may be undergoing structural transformations. Examining touch on scholarly discourse, they concluded that "formal, invited Annual Review articles provide a distinctly authoritative source". By identifying "singled-out clusters of work" and articles that span such clusters, review articles can integrate a topic. Research suggests that they can "shift discourse in a mode that simultaneously simplifies and collapses a noesis community", helping to define and organize emergent inquiry areas.[5]

Subscribe to Open publishing model [edit]

Line nautical chart showing the PDF and HTML downloads of the Almanac Review of Public Health (purple) subsequently it became open up access in 2017. The Annual Review of Medicine (blueish) and the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (red), which are paywalled, are shown for comparison.[53]

External sound
audio icon Episode 76 "Annual Reviews: Evolving to Ameliorate Serve the Public Good", The Authority File, 05/04/2019
audio icon Episode 77 "Almanac Reviews: Public Health, an Open-Access Test Case for Review Literature", The Authority File, 03/11/2019
audio icon Episode 78 "Annual Reviews: Science for a Functional Democracy", The Authority File, 03/18/2019
audio icon Episode 79 "Annual Reviews: Subscribe to Open", The Say-so File, 03/25/2019

In 2016, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awarded six grants for examining the potential for open science and open access, as part of an initiative for Increasing Openness and Transparency in Research. Ane of the awardees was Almanac Reviews, which was interested in finding means to remove barriers to access to scientific publications.[54] [55] Annual Reviews used the grant to release the Annual Review of Public Health under an open access license in April 2017, and tracked the impact of the modify in licensing.[56]

By May 2019, usage of the journal had increased 8-fold relative to 2016 to nearly 200,000 downloads monthly. For comparison, the titles for clinical psychology and medicine that maintained gated admission showed no change in usage. In improver, the audition for the journal increased from 1,100 institutions in 57 countries (2016) to 7,220 institutions in 137 countries (2018).[53]

Annual Reviews has continued to explore the possibilities of open access by developing the "Subscribe to Open up" (S2O) publishing model.[55] [57] Subscribe to Open is an example of an assurance contract.[58] In the S2O pilot for 2020, subscribing institutions were asked to maintain their existing subscriptions to the offered journals, less a five% disbelieve, on the understanding that if enough subscriptions were received, the final content for the journals would be published every bit open up access. If enough subscriptions were not received, the content would remain paywalled.[59] [53] [60] [61] In this fashion S2O appealed to the private subscriber's economic self-interest (receiving a disbelieve instead of paying full toll), and avoided reliance on collective behavior or altruism.[53] The approach allowed participating publishers to catechumen content from gated to open up access on a year-to-year basis.[60]

As of September 1, 2019, the 2020 pilot program for S2O included 2 publishers, Almanac Reviews and Berghahn Books, both of whom opened part of their content.[55] [57] Annual Reviews offered five titles in the S2O pilot, the Almanac Review of Cancer Biological science, the Annual Review of Environment and Resources, the Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Scientific discipline, the Almanac Review of Political Science, and the Annual Review of Public Health. All were published as open access through the Subscribe to Open approach.[53] [62]

Additional publishers have since adopted S2O, which is seen as benefiting libraries, researchers and publishers alike.[63] [64] [65] In a survey commissioned by the Clan of Learned and Professional Social club Publishers to decide how publishers aligned with Plan S, authors Alicia Wise and Lorraine Estelle called Subscribe to Open "the most promising" transformative agreement for publishers, equally it offers a anticipated revenue stream.[60] : 2 [66]

In April 2022, the publisher announced that new content from all of its 51 academic journals would progressively be made openly bachelor over the course of eighteen months under the S2O framework, provided that electric current subscription support is maintained.[67]

Availability [edit]

Almanac Reviews journals are available in a number of ways, depending in part on the journal. Each journal is available electronically with some also offered as a bound annual volume. Subscriptions are offered for the online version, print version, or both when print is available, and individual articles tin can exist purchased online. Journals are also available every bit a database consisting of some or all of the journals, with site licenses.[68] [69]

Effective January 2008, purchasing a subscription includes online access that entitles the subscriber to permanent access rights to that volume regardless of future subscription status.[69]

In 2020, the following titles were published open access using S2O: Annual Review of Cancer Biology, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, Almanac Review of Political Scientific discipline, and Annual Review of Public Health.[53] [62] In 2021, the Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, the Annual Review of Genomics and Man Genetics and the Annual Review of Virology were added to the plan.[three] [lxx]

Rankings [edit]

As of 2021, Journal Citation Reports has given eighteen Annual Reviews journal titles a rank of "one", indicating loftier quality and importance in their corresponding categories. The top v Almanac Reviews titles by bear on factor are:[71]

  • Almanac Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (thirty.065)
  • Almanac Review of Immunology (28.527)
  • Annual Review of Plant Biology (26.379)
  • Annual Review of Psychology (24.137)
  • Almanac Review of Biochemistry (23.643)

Organization structure [edit]

Richard Gallagher, President and Editor-in-Master since 2015

At that place are three leadership structures inside Almanac Reviews: The board of directors and its committees, editors and editorial committees, and a management squad. The board of directors consists of experts of various scientific disciplines, philanthropists, and business people, who serve as volunteers. The board is assisted past the business affairs commission and boosted advertizement hoc committees. Together, the board and its committees develop and approve fiscal policies and budgets. They also review the organization's financial performance and publishing strategy.[28] Equally of 2018, the lath is chaired past Karen S. Cook, professor of sociology at Stanford University.[72] The vice-chairperson is Sandra M. Faber, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at University of California, Santa Cruz.[2] [73]

The contents of each journal published by Almanac Reviews is selected by the lead editor or co-editors and their editorial committees, about 10 members total, who are researchers in the subject. Committee terms are five years.[22] The management team provides expertise in academic publishing, and is led past the president, who is too its editor-in-principal.[2]

List of journals [edit]

Annual Reviews publishes a diversity of journals in the biomedical and life sciences, physical sciences, and social sciences, including economics. Years in parentheses bespeak the kickoff year of publication. As of 2021, the publications included the post-obit:

A [edit]

  • Almanac Review of Analytical Chemistry (2008)
  • Almanac Review of Animal Biosciences (2013)
  • Annual Review of Anthropology (1972)
  • Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (1963)

B [edit]

  • Annual Review of Biochemistry (1932)
  • Annual Review of Biomedical Data Scientific discipline (2018)
  • Almanac Review of Biomedical Engineering (1999)
  • Almanac Review of Biophysics (1972) (formerly Almanac Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering, 1972-1984; Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemical science, 1985-1991; Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure, 1992-2007.)

C [edit]

  • Annual Review of Cancer Biology (2017)
  • Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology (1985) (formerly Almanac Review of Jail cell Biology, 1985-1994.)
  • Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (2010)
  • Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (2005)
  • Annual Review of Reckoner Scientific discipline (1986–1990)
  • Almanac Review of Condensed Matter Physics (2010)
  • Almanac Review of Command, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems (2018)
  • Annual Review of Criminology (2018)

D [edit]

  • Almanac Review of Developmental Psychology (2019)

E [edit]

  • Annual Review of Globe and Planetary Sciences (1973)
  • Annual Review of Environmental, Development, and Systematics (1970) (formerly Almanac Review of Ecology and Systematics, 1970-2002.)
  • Annual Review of Economics (2009)
  • Annual Review of Entomology (1956)
  • Almanac Review of Environment and Resources (1976) (formerly Annual Review of Energy, 1976-1990; Annual Review of Energy and the Surroundings, 1991-2002.)

F [edit]

  • Annual Review of Financial Economics (2009)
  • Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics (1969)
  • Annual Review of Food Science and Engineering (2010)

Thousand [edit]

  • Annual Review of Genetics (1967)
  • Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics (2000)

I [edit]

  • Almanac Review of Immunology (1983)

K [edit]

  • Knowable Magazine (2017)

L [edit]

  • Annual Review of Law and Social Science (2005)
  • Almanac Review of Linguistics (2015)

M [edit]

  • Annual Review of Marine Science (2009)
  • Annual Review of Materials Research (1971) (formerly Almanac Review of Materials Science, 1971-2000.)
  • Annual Review of Medicine (1950)
  • Annual Review of Microbiology (1947)

N [edit]

  • Annual Review of Neuroscience (1978)
  • Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Scientific discipline (1952) (formerly Annual Review of Nuclear Science, 1952-1977.)
  • Annual Review of Nutrition (1981)

O [edit]

  • Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior (2014)

P [edit]

  • Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Affliction (2006)
  • Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology (1961) (formerly Annual Review of Pharmacology, 1961-1975).
  • Annual Review of Concrete Chemistry (1950)
  • Almanac Review of Physiology (1939)
  • Annual Review of Phytopathology (1963)
  • Annual Review of Found Biology (1950) (formerly Almanac Review of Constitute Physiology, 1950-1987; Annual Review of Constitute Physiology and Establish Molecular Biology, 1988-2001.)
  • Annual Review of Political Science (1998)
  • Almanac Review of Psychology (1950)
  • Annual Review of Public Health (1980)

R [edit]

  • Annual Review of Resources Economics (2009)

S [edit]

  • Annual Review of Sociology (1975)
  • Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application (2014)

V [edit]

  • Annual Review of Virology (2014)
  • Annual Review of Vision Science (2015)

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b "Contact The states". Annual Reviews . Retrieved 3 Baronial 2021.
  2. ^ a b c "Almanac Reviews Directory". Almanac Reviews . Retrieved 25 Jan 2021.
  3. ^ a b c "Almanac Reviews". ten September 2020. Retrieved 23 June 2021.
  4. ^ Durham, William H. (October 2004). "Preface: A "Peer-Invited" Publication". Annual Review of Anthropology. 33 (one): doi:x.1146/ Retrieved 21 September 2021.
  5. ^ a b McMahan, Peter; McFarland, Daniel A. (April 2021). "Artistic Destruction: The Structural Consequences of Scientific Curation". American Sociological Review. 86 (2): 341–376. doi:10.1177/0003122421996323. S2CID 232826483. Retrieved two June 2021.
  6. ^ "What We Do". Annual Reviews . Retrieved 29 September 2020.
  7. ^ a b "Publisher Contour: Annual Reviews". Doody's Review Service. July 24, 2018. Retrieved 3 June 2021.
  8. ^ a b c d Kaufmann, William (June 1995). "Annual Reviews inc. A saga of success". Publishing Enquiry Quarterly. 11 (2): 80–89. doi:x.1007/BF02680428. S2CID 144682280.
  9. ^ a b c d Luck, J. Murray (1982). "A 50-Yr History of Annual Reviews Inc". BioScience. 32 (eleven): 868–870. doi:10.2307/1309010. JSTOR 1309010.
  10. ^ a b Mosher, Harry S. "MEMORIAL RESOLUTION J. MURRAY LUCK" (PDF). Stanford University . Retrieved 3 June 2021.
  11. ^ "Carl Fifty. Alsberg, Thou.D." 24 February 2020. Retrieved 7 June 2021.
  12. ^ "In Memoriam". Annual Review of Biochemistry. 19 (1): June 1950. doi:10.1146/ Retrieved 7 June 2021.
  13. ^ Arnon, D. (1950). "Dennis Robert Hoagland: 1884-1949". Scientific discipline. 112 (2921): 739–742. Bibcode:1950Sci...112..739A. doi:10.1126/science.112.2921.739. JSTOR 1679037. PMID 14798335. Retrieved 7 June 2021.
  14. ^ Greenberg, D. M. (1946-x-25). "Carl Louis August Schmidt 1885-1946". Science. 104 (2704): 387. Bibcode:1946Sci...104..387G. doi:x.1126/science.104.2704.387. PMID 17842185. Retrieved 7 June 2021.
  15. ^ Greenberg, David M. (June 1946). "In Memoriam". Almanac Review of Biochemistry. fifteen (i): doi:x.1146/ Retrieved seven June 2021.
  16. ^ Johnson, T. B. (1934). "Almanac Review of Biochemistry, Book III". The Periodical of Chemical Pedagogy. 11 (12): 670. doi:10.1021/ed011p670.2. Retrieved seven June 2021.
  17. ^ Johnson, T. B. (November 1932). "Almanac Review of Biochemistry. Volume I (Luck, James Murray, ed.)". Journal of Chemical Education. nine (eleven): 2007–2008. Bibcode:1932JChEd...ix.2007J. doi:10.1021/ed009p2007. Retrieved i June 2021.
  18. ^ a b c d Luck, J. Murray (1981). "Confessions of a Biochemist". Annual Review of Biochemistry. 50: 1–23. doi:10.1146/ PMID 7023354.
  19. ^ "The Annual Review of Biochemistry". Science. 75 (1952): 556. May 27, 1932. doi:10.1126/science.75.1952.556-a. Retrieved ane June 2021.
  20. ^ "C0161041 ANNUAL REVIEWS". California Secretarial assistant of Country Business Search . Retrieved 8 June 2021.
  21. ^ Zentmyer, George A. (September 1994). "Almanac Reviews and Dr. J Murray Luck". Annual Review of Phytopathology. 32 (one). doi:10.1146/ Retrieved two June 2021.
  22. ^ a b "Editorial Principles and Policies". Annual Reviews . Retrieved 30 September 2020.
  23. ^ Garfield, Eugene (xxx April 1979). "The NAS James Murray Luck Award for Excellence in Scientific Reviewing: Thou. Alan Robison Receives the First Award for his Work on Cyclic AMP" (PDF). Essays of an Information Scientist. Vol. iv, no. eighteen.
  24. ^ "Preface". Almanac Review of Physiology. 32 (1): 1970. doi:10.1146/ ISSN 0066-4278.
  25. ^ Ruth, Shirley (2002). "Practicing Promise: Remembering Robert Schutz in His Words and Ours". Friends Bulletin. 73 (one): 3–vi.
  26. ^ Fiedler, Stephen (26 August 2013). "In Retentiveness of Morgan Kaufmann co-founder, William Kaufmann". Elsevier SciTech Connect . Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  27. ^ "WILLIAM KAUFMANN". Los Altos Boondocks Crier. August 13, 2013. Retrieved iii June 2021.
  28. ^ a b c Murray Luck, James (1999). Reminiscences (PDF) (Report). The James Murray Luck Memorial Fund.
  29. ^ Contumely, Alister (1982). "Preface by Alister Contumely, Editor-in-Chief, Annual Reviews Inc". Annual Review of Anthropology. 11 (one): doi:10.1146/ ISSN 0084-6570.
  30. ^ "Front Affair". Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 12: i–ix. 1981. JSTOR 2097101.
  31. ^ Kunz, Bernard A.; Hanawalt, Philip C. (1999). "In memoriam: Robert Hall Haynes". Ecology and Molecular Mutagenesis. 33 (4): 257–265. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-2280(1999)33:four<257::AID-EM1>3.0.CO;ii-0. PMID 10398372. Retrieved 3 June 2021.
  32. ^ "Samuel Gubins". American University of Arts & Sciences. April 2016. Retrieved 20 Baronial 2020.
  33. ^ "Richard Gallagher joins 'cherished resource' Annual Reviews". Inquiry Information. iv Feb 2015. Retrieved 20 Baronial 2020.
  34. ^ "Annual Review of Physiology. Volume I". Journal of the American Medical Association. 113 (1): 86. 1939-07-01. doi:10.1001/jama.1939.02800260088038. Retrieved 3 June 2021.
  35. ^ Trowell, O. A. (Apr 1948). "Annual Review of Physiology". Nature. 161 (4093): 542. Bibcode:1948Natur.161..542T. doi:x.1038/161542a0. S2CID 4069288. Retrieved 3 June 2021.
  36. ^ Raffel, Sidney. "MEMORIAL RESOLUTION CHARLES E. CLIFTON" (PDF). Stanford University . Retrieved iii June 2021.
  37. ^ Bong, D. J. (Dec 1946). "Annual Review of Biochemistry". Nature. 158 (4024): 854. Bibcode:1946Natur.158..854B. doi:ten.1038/158854a0. S2CID 4085114. Retrieved 7 June 2021.
  38. ^ "Almanac Review of Medicine, Vol. I, 1950". Athenaeum of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 82 (6): 787. 1951-12-01. doi:10.1001/archpedi.1951.02040040808016. Retrieved 4 June 2021.
  39. ^ No Authorship Indicated (1950). "Annual review of psychology". Journal of Consulting Psychology. 14 (4): 332. doi:10.1037/h0051057. Retrieved four June 2021.
  40. ^ Arnon, D. I. (1950). "Annual Review of Plant Physiology". Found Physiology. 25 (iv): 772. JSTOR 4258371. Retrieved iv June 2021.
  41. ^ Nye, Mary Jo (1993). From Chemical Philosophy to Theoretical Chemical science: Dynamics of Matter and Dynamics of Disciplines, 1800-1950. University of California Printing. pp. 262–284. ISBN0-520-08210-9.
  42. ^ "Annual Review of Nuclear Science. Volume I." JAMA: The Periodical of the American Medical Association. 150 (12): 1262. 1952-11-22. doi:x.1001/jama.1952.03680120098033.
  43. ^ "Annual Review". Message of the Entomological Order of America. ii (one): one. 1956-03-01. doi:ten.1093/besa/two.1.1b. Retrieved iv June 2021.
  44. ^ "Preface". Annual Review of Medicine. 19. 1968. doi:10.1146/
  45. ^ Finn, Robert (18 August 1996). "Scientific Publishers Increasing Electronic Information Offerings". The Scientist . Retrieved iii September 2020.
  46. ^ Johnson, Duff (2005). "Legacy Content Conversion:Generating citations, acquirement and goodwillfrom your publication history" (PDF). JP: The Newsletter for Journal Publishers (2). Retrieved four June 2021.
  47. ^ "Annual Reviews: Content Conversion Case Report". Appligent Document Solutions. Jan 1, 2011. Retrieved iv June 2021.
  48. ^ "Scan Journals". Annual Reviews . Retrieved 26 January 2021.
  49. ^ Milkman, Roger (1966). "The Excitement and Fascination of Scientific discipline". BioScience. 16 (7): 491. doi:10.2307/1293770. JSTOR 1293770.
  50. ^ Lester, Eva P. (1985). "Intelligence and Affectivity". Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Clan. 33 (three): 695–700. doi:x.1177/000306518503300320. ISSN 0003-0651. S2CID 143457419.
  51. ^ "Knowable Magazine set to launch". National Association of Scientific discipline Writers. 26 October 2017. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  52. ^ "Expected Publication Dates". Annual Reviews. 25 January 2021. Retrieved 26 January 2021.
  53. ^ a b c d eastward f Crow, Raym; Gallagher, Richard; Naim, Kamran (2020). "Subscribe to Open: A applied arroyo for converting subscription journals to open up access". Learned Publishing. 33 (2): 181–185. doi:x.1002/leap.1262. S2CID 208113282.
  54. ^ Tait, Margaret; Wojcik, Oktawia (Sep 7, 2016). "Open Admission: Making Enquiry More Transparent and Accessible". Culture of Wellness Blog. Robert Forest Johnson Foundation. Retrieved 4 June 2021.
  55. ^ a b c "Subscribe-to-open". Libraria. September 1, 2019. Retrieved 4 June 2021.
  56. ^ "2017 Annual Review of Public Health At present Freely Available Online". University of California. June ane, 2017. Retrieved 4 June 2021.
  57. ^ a b Michael, Ann (April 2, 2019). "Subscribe To Open: Annual Reviews' Take on Open Access". The Scholarly Kitchen . Retrieved four June 2021.
  58. ^ Hinchliffe, Lisa Janicke (March 9, 2020). "Subscribe to Open: A Mutual Balls Approach to Open up Access". The Scholarly Kitchen . Retrieved 4 June 2021.
  59. ^ Paltani-Sargologos, Irini (2020). "État des lieux sur les accords transformants - 31 mars 2020" (PDF). hal-02538844 . Retrieved 11 June 2021.
  60. ^ a b c Wise, Alicia; Estelle, Lorraine (2019). "Society Publishers Accelerating Open Access and Programme S - Final Projection Report": 23–24. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.9805007.v1.
  61. ^ Brainard, Jeffrey (nine March 2020). "Publishers roll out culling routes to open admission". Scientific discipline . Retrieved 20 Baronial 2020.
  62. ^ a b "Annual Reviews announces terminal two journals in the 2020 pilot program for Subscribe to Open". Knowledgespeak. Telescopic e-Knowledge Center. October 21, 2020. Retrieved 11 June 2021.
  63. ^ "Subscribe To Open". Ems Press. 2021. Retrieved 4 June 2021.
  64. ^ "Participants". "Subscribe to Open" (S2O) S2O Community of Practice . Retrieved 4 June 2021.
  65. ^ "Subscribe to Open". De Gruyter . Retrieved 4 June 2021.
  66. ^ "Independent study and transformative agreement toolkit launched to support Learned Guild publishers' transition to immediate Open Access and align with Plan S". Association of Learned and Professional Lodge Publishers. 12 September 2019. Retrieved 11 June 2021.
  67. ^ "Leading Nonprofit Science Publisher Adopts New Open Admission Model | NISO website". . Retrieved 2022-04-08 .
  68. ^ "Librarian Newsletter". Annual Reviews. May 2020. Retrieved 11 June 2021.
  69. ^ a b Clements, Helen P. (2009). "Annual Reviews – Reviewed Fall 2009". ANSS Currents. Anthropology and Folklore Department of the Association of Higher and Enquiry Libraries. 24 (2). Retrieved xi June 2021.
  70. ^ "Subscribe to Open (S2O) journals - Open Access Directory". Open up Access Directory . Retrieved 2 December 2021.
  71. ^ "Journal Impact Factors". Annual Reviews . Retrieved sixteen July 2021.
  72. ^ "Professor Karen S. Cook elected as new Chair of the Annual Reviews Board of Directors". Annual Reviews. 1 June 2018. Retrieved 29 September 2020.
  73. ^ "Annual REVIEWS INC". Non Turn a profit Light. 2018. Retrieved 4 June 2021.

External links [edit]

  • Almanac Reviews abode page


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